6 June 2018

Presentation of "To nisi tis trelas" at "Comics Friends Space"
Saturday 9th of June, I ll be presenting my new comics "To nisi tis trelas" at the "Comics Friends Space" published by Michalis Sideris editions. George Georgelos, from "Comics Friends Space" the comics artist Nikolas Stefadouros along with the art director of M.Sideris editions, Yiannis Pentzouris will be talking about the book! Hope to see you there! Iera Odos 14, Athens.
15 March 2018

Happy to announce that I will be taking part at the artists alley, with all my comics and... some extra stuff! Come find me at the COMICDOM CON ATHENS 2018, Hellenic American Union, 20-21-22 of April. More Info coming soon!
21 December 2017

happy Holidays
Happy Holidays! See you next year!